This 54" x 32" handmade embroidered cottage tablecloth with blue embroidery in stylized feathers and flowers has a basket-weave design running around the entirety of the tablecloth to form an artful border.
The scalloped edges are also stitched in blue. Is there a culture on earth who hasn’t had a fascination with blue and white tableware at some point in time? The Chinoiserie craze has spiked repeatedly since its first rise during the 17th century.
This is but one of many luxurious one-of-a-kind antiques we have in our Pensacola atelier, as we have row upon row of textiles that include everything from antique French heirloom linens and primitive Austro-Hungarian Empire textiles to Art Deco and Bohemian specimens—at last count two million one-of-a-kind linens of the finest quality.
If you see a beautiful specimen on this site that you would like to see in person and you cannot visit us but you are a regular at either Round Top or the High Point Market, we will happily bring it to one of these shows so you can see for yourself how remarkable it is. See our Calendar of Events page for fair dates and let us know if we can bring our sumptuousness to you.
Though Chinoiserie is the most talked-about blue and white decorative element produced for any number of rooms, other blue and white trends have taken to the table. Two of these are Flow Blue and Blue Willow—both inspired by the Chinese porcelain that set the tone for centuries to come. Flow Blue is a vintage dishware with cobalt-hued patterns that seem to have bled to softened edges popular during the Victorian Era. Blue Willow became popular at the end of the 18th century in England, and remains a valuable collectible today, as does Flow Blue.
Though this beautiful tablecloth feels much more modern in its exotic flair than most of the Chinoiserie we see, it is no less a vintage item than the dishware we discussed above. It would fit just as beautifully in a contemporary home as in would in traditional style interiors. Whether you are nestled into a cozy cottage and would love to have this draped across your table every day or the owner of a modern home with expansive swaths of glass overlooking the water eying this beauty for an al fresco lunch you’re planning, it proves its versatility by fitting perfectly in either setting.
Note: Other versions may be available, inquire: info@pandoradebalthazar.com