--> Elegant Monogramming – Tagged "pillow shams" – Pandora de Balthazar Lifestyle

Elegant Monogramming

Monogramming our fine linens with our luxurious monogramming gives each fine linen piece an extra touch of gracefulness. Monogramming options come in different sizes and styles, which means there is an aesthetic for many different decor types. Why not proudly display your initials or those of a loved one on our shames and sheets, or give a friend a gift that declares their initials are as special as they are? 

Pandora Style Monogrammed Eurokin Shams "MBP"
Free Gift


Pandora Style Monogrammed Eurokin Shams "MBP"
Regular price $922.25
Pandora Style Monogrammed Shams
Free Gift
Pandora Style Monogrammed Shams
Regular price $852.25 +
Stacey Style Monogrammed Shams
Free Gift


Stacey Style Monogrammed Shams
Sale price $408.38 +